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Updated: May 24, 2023

Sydney showed a poster at the Biological Sciences Honors Symposium. The poster session showed off projects for all the Honors students. The recognition ceremony was also very nice. Great job, Sydney!

(Pictured: Sydney pointing to a lovely confocal image of bushy cells produced by our lab. It is unfortunately obscured by the auditorium's harsh lighting. Darn!)

Sydney presented a poster of her work at the Celebration of Student Academic Excellence. There was a great crowd of many diverse posters there from all across UB. It was great that Sydney was invited to talk about her work. Way to go!!

On his way back from Hannover, Matthew dropped by Göttingen and caught up with Jonas Fisch, who learned dynamic clamp in the lab three years ago. Jonas was showing a poster of his work at the NWG German Neuroscience meeting. It was great to talk to him. Good luck, Jonas!

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